How many of you have heard or even said it yourself, “If it
weren’t for all the weeds in my lawn being green and growing like, well, like weeds, I wouldn't have to mow at all?
C’est moi! That’s me and my lawns. Back, front, sides, doesn’t matter. If it weren’t for the abundance of weedy
green things, I really wouldn’t have to mow at all. I long for the good ole’ days when I first
moved to Sandycove Acres, from the Town Down Under.
I push back in my over-stuffed blue tweed recliner, pop up
the foot stool thingie and lay back with a tired sigh (even before coffee this
morning, I weed-whacked all the naked dandelion stalks and then mowed) and
remember back to when I first moved into New Dodge, aka Sandycove Acres.
Sofie's Little Pink Belly |
Well now, three years later, my
front lawn, especially, is a weedy hot mess.
Mostly it’s because my neighbour to the east of me, whose lawn abuts
mine, does not believe in weed control at all.
Oh, and the neighbour I had when I first moved in with the immaculate
lawn? Well, didn’t she move out a month
after I moved in? The new neighbour,
besides being a Water Rat (that’s another story for another day), also didn’t
seem to care much about the outside of her property as much as she loved
playing cards, scrabble, bingo and pretty much any kind of game you can name. So, she sometimes had someone mow her lawn
but nothing else much beyond that.
Why all the pondering 2
years later? Well, the game-playing
neighbour moved out last year (I pause to sniff my pits), the second neighbour
to move away in my three year tenure here.
The new neighbour, who besides having a huge sense of entitlement, has
an ‘Alzie’ husband and a penchant for strict order, at least on the
outside. After spending months having
her ‘new’ house renovated (and alienating her neighbour – yes, me, with a
constant stream of contractors, etc. most of whom thought nothing of parking in
my parking spot – another story for another time), finally finishes and now seems
to be determined to whip her lawn into military-like preciseness. So just when I think ‘her’ work is done, lawn
guys roar up our quiet crescent early in the morning, spring from their
jacked-up pick-up trucks with their young, perfectly working knees, all manner
of tools at hand. Other trucks deliver
load after load of rich, black dirt and the outside makeover commences. Sigh, it seems like ‘her’ work here will
never be done.
Oh well, at least all this lawn
work might actually encourage grass to grow, instead of green, weedy things. Well, after about what seems like a week but is
probably only 2 or 3 days, the lawn guys leave in their tricked-out
trucks. Ahh, peace and quiet reigns
again on Marlin Court.
Sofie just being cute |
It doesn’t last long.
I’m guessing my neighbour was not satisfied with the lawn guy’s work, so
now The Weed Guys start coming. One day
when I went outside with Sofie, The
Wonder Dog, my porch was littered with these small, white, pellets. Hmm, say I,
peering rather nearsightedly at these strange things on my porch, where did
this all this s*^t come from? It didn’t
take long before the birdie chirps and I figure out that ‘she’ had had her lawn
done. The sign on the edge of ‘her’ lawn
is a dead give-away too. Not happy am
I. I really don’t believe in all the
crap ‘they’, the Lawn Companies, use on the lawns, even after the pesticide
ban. ‘They’ have come up with something ‘they’
claim is safe for dogs but the girl who was spraying today couldn’t tell me
what was in the s*^t she was using, only the name of it. I, nicely, asked her to make sure that crap
was sprayed only on my neighbour’s lawn and not mine. Oh, and the strange, white pellets which were
on my porch – still don’t know.
Well, to make a short story just a
titch longer, yesterday when I left the house for a client’s, ‘her’ neighbour
on the other side, Ringo (not really) was mowing ‘her’ lawn. When I got home, I noticed quite the swath
had been cut entirely around my birdbath and Ringo likes to cut short. I’ve been told that you’re supposed to keep
your grass at a 3” height (7.6 cm for those metrically in-the-know) and so I do. After I mowed today, you sure can tell who
knows about the 3” rule and who doesn’t.
It looks odd.
Bald as a monk's head |
I saw Ringo this morning and called over to him about his
mowing job. His excuse? He didn’t know where the lot line was. I pantomimed it to him with hand and arm
signals, feeling like one of those guys who guide the gargantuan planes into their
parking space at the airport, and a verbal explanation. He didn’t look happy. I have to believe that my neighbour, ‘Her’
had given him his mowing orders and had instructed him to go around the birdbath rather than just mow it on her
side. She had been at me a couple of
times this week about its location and the weeds around it. She thought it was hers (left behind by the
previous owner, Water Rat) and was going to move it to Her backyard. She did have sense enough though to ask me,
though, who it belonged to before doing that.
‘She’ also didn’t like the golden flowers I had let grow up around it,
enjoying the contrast between the sunny yellow dandelions and the drab
concrete. The area now resembles a tonsure.
I am territorial about my parking spaces, porch and yes, even my weeds and if Ringo ever mows my side
again, I’m guessing ‘She’ and I will be having a nice chat about boundaries –
again (and yes, that’s another story for another day).
© 2015 Phyllis
T'is a never-ending story when dealing with cheery yellowheads and annoying neighbours arising from the bowels of the netherworld. I say, just lean back onto that comfy lazyboy my friend, surrounded by your pleasant lovable pets and enjoy a nice bottomless glass of lemonade as it's going to be a long and hot summer. :)
never a dull season on the street! CB