Monday, May 1, 2017


When I first moved here from the Town Down Below in 2012, I was enthralled with the serenity and beauty of my new hometown and especially the new little village I had chosen to live in for the rest of my life.  What I didn’t know, was that I might come to regret that choice.

Head Zombie
Recently someone who lives here started a facebook page just for the ‘people’ who live here.  About 65 ‘people’ joined.  I have to admit that one day I woke up and seemed to have been taken over by something I can’t describe or put my finger on, so I joined this group too. Very quickly, the group seemed to be populated by some zombie-like creatures. Luckily, I hadn’t been taken over by the Zombie powders.  I spoke my mind on one of my posts, which didn’t happen to agree with the Head Zombie’s opinion, so she suspended me.  Isn’t that how Zombies are made?  Where did these creatures come from in the first place?           

According to Wiki  “A zombie (Haitian French: zombi, Haitian Creole: zonbi) is a fictional undead being, created through the reanimation of a human corpse.”    

The Head Zombie made this statement to me, “Unfortunately I find it necessary to suspend your ability to post on Fs & Ns. Your privilege to post will be reinstated after one week.”  

I was so sad to realize that this woman, who I liked and respected seemed to have been sucked into the mindset and culture of our Village, which, in my opinion, is not a good thing overall.  Suspended because my opinion is not the same as hers.  Suspended because the Head Zombie seems to believe that it’s okay for the HOA Board of Directors to terminate your membership if THEY don’t like what you say about them, the community or other residents.  She actually defends them by saying, “Perhaps the HOA is simply evolving...and Parkbridge being more receptive?” 
And this, AFTER she knew that the HOA is trying to add a gag by-law, taking away Freedom of Speech! 

So what did I say that got me suspended?  “Dinosaurs are extinct, no evolving there. Old blood, dried and crusty. In my opinion, Parkbridge obviously colludes with the HOA to their advantage and to the detriment of the home owners.”  Zap!  I was gone.  Terminated from the group. 

Luckily for me, I came to my senses and told the Head Zombie not to bother reanimating me back into the group, as it is obvious she is not forward thinking and clearly she just doesn’t care for any opinion but her own.  I prefer to associate with others who are open-minded and cherish our freedom of speech.    

A few days later, I saw the rosters for the new Committee members for our various Village recreation centres, and guess what my enquiring mind discovered? The fb Zombies seem to have become the Committee for one of our rec
facilities, with the Head Zombie being a director.  Also, on the Rec Centre Directorship and Executive, I can’t help but notice, is an employee of the Village Lessors.  Also on the board is a member of the HOA Board of Directors, who’s an Executive, and also on about 50% of the HOA sub Committees.  Hmmm, maybe the DoAsIsayasaruses’ created the Zombies?  So many of the Zombies from the fb page are now on the Board of Directors for the rec center. 
Co-inkydink?  I think not. 

I seem to be surrounded by creatures of the night and have to wonder about relationships between the HOA DoAsIsayasaruses’ and the Zombies – read my Democracy is Alive and Well in SCA – NOT!  How incestuous, if it is so.  I really, really, really hope that Zombies and the DoAsIsayasaruses’ can’t procreate together, which would create Zombieasauruses.  I would have to move for sure.  But at least now that the mystery has been unwrapped and the true nature of the fb page started by the Head Zombie revealed.    

When I was growing up, my mom always said to me, “You are judged by the friends you keep.”  I used to scoff at her and tell her she didn’t know what she was talking about, until I made friends with a girl named Rachel, who had the reputation of being ‘easy’.  It didn’t take long until the boys thought I was ‘easy’ too.  So my mom was right after all, but the boys were wrong.  
I continued my friendship with Rachel, who, I discovered, was not easy after all but had been labelled that way when a boy tried to wheedle her into ‘putting out’.   When he couldn’t/wouldn’t take “no” for an answer, she kneed him in the nuts to stop him.  He retaliated by spreading a rumour around school that she was easy.  So, this girl, who had done nothing wrong, was labelled easy, just because this ignorant boy had been denied his ‘cheap feel’ and instead of just slinking home to lick his wounded pride and sore balls, he boasted about his ability to cop more than just a few feels. In no time at all, it became ‘fact’ to the tiny-minded  sheep at school that Rachel was more than just ‘easy’.  I’m glad I remained friends with her and stood up for her.  Eventually Rachel earned a different reputation by graduating high school with honours and eventually becoming an advocate specializing in women’s rights.

I assume by now, that there’s a lot of creatures out there who wish I would move.  I’m happy to say that I’m very happy here and won’t be moving.  At least not anytime soon.  And since most of the creatures which live here, in this seemingly tranquil little village are older than me, I’m thinking I’ll outlive most of them.  I’m thankful for the people who still have their brains and are in their right minds, who actually know me.  They don’t fall into the zombie lack-of-mindset, like so many here who do, to curry favour with the Big Bokor (a sorcerer or witch) On Campus (BBOC) by sucking up to them and letting the BBOC eat their brains for breakfast.

I find it hard to believe and accept that these were once-sentient beings, and I used to refer to them as ‘friends’.  Now that some of them have been elected to a rec centre Directorship, it is my belief, based on previous exposure to certain committees here in the Village, that these beings have succumbed to The BBOC and are now zombies.  The Head Undead goes so far as to defend the HOA DoAsIsayasaruses’ and their feeble attempt to quell a home owner’s right to their freedom of speech. 

The HOA Board of Directors are trying incorporate a gag into their Constitution and by-laws.  Check out Rule #27, which essentially states that if ‘THEY’ (the HOA board of directors) don’t like what you say about them, or Sandycove Acres or fellow residents, you are gone.   Their ludicrous ‘new and improved’ – NOT - changes to their Constitution and By-laws, are based on changes to ONCA (Ontario Not-for-Profit Corporations Act) which failed to be passed into law and yet seems to be the Holy Grail upon which the HOA have based their changes. I suppose it works for them.  Go here to read the hooey ;  click on the yellow box and check out NEW By-law #27 (page 11) and Change #20, directly subsequent, which appears to be the HOA Board of Directors’ justification of Rule #27.    

                                      STRONG & FREE

I am really grateful and happy that the country in which I live allows me to state my opinion, which I have done here and also gives me the Freedom of Speech to express it.  Good thing I’m no longer a member of the HOA, ‘cause I surely would be expelled for speaking my mind, which I’m happy to say, I still have.

April 17, 1982 Signing of our Constitution